Vijay fans painted Madurai red on Sunday as the audio of the Ilaya Thalapathi’s forthcoming film Velayudham was launched in a grand manner at the temple town. On the occasion, cows, iron boxes and sewing machines were distributed to the beneficiaries.
The audio CD was formally released by two fans- a male fan from Thanjavur and a female fan from Madurai. Says Vijay, 'Action plays a prominent part in such scripts. Velayudham has a few pulsating stunt sequences and I enjoyed doing a fight on a train. It was choreographed by Hollywood stunt man Tomdelmar. It was shot using state-of-the-art technology'.
Heaping laurels on Vijay Antony, Vijay says, ‘Vijay Antony has already given me beautiful songs in Vettaikaran. He has repeated the magic in Velayudham’.
The movie, directed by Jayam Raja, stars Genelia D’ Souza, Hanshika Motwani and Santhanam in lead roles. Produced by Aascar Ravichandran on a lavish budget, it is expected to hit the screens soon.
The audio CD was formally released by two fans- a male fan from Thanjavur and a female fan from Madurai. Says Vijay, 'Action plays a prominent part in such scripts. Velayudham has a few pulsating stunt sequences and I enjoyed doing a fight on a train. It was choreographed by Hollywood stunt man Tomdelmar. It was shot using state-of-the-art technology'.
Heaping laurels on Vijay Antony, Vijay says, ‘Vijay Antony has already given me beautiful songs in Vettaikaran. He has repeated the magic in Velayudham’.
The movie, directed by Jayam Raja, stars Genelia D’ Souza, Hanshika Motwani and Santhanam in lead roles. Produced by Aascar Ravichandran on a lavish budget, it is expected to hit the screens soon.
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